She said to me that she was having trouble pulling down her bed in the flat and could I come with her and help. The bed was one of those that swings up, into a recess, on the wall when not in use. Underneath her bed was a vivid painting of The Devil, complete with horns. However, it was still the best offer I had had that week and so, I have to say, I was surely tempted.
The Creep told me that he had been in a spiritual “fight” with Luckham all week and he was drained. He said that Luckham worked for the Department and They were making people “disappear” and that I was in great danger. He said that a woman had been “taken out” recently. The Creep said that if you did not work with them you would be “dealt with”. He said that they had an “eye” that watches you remotely.
I suspected The Creep was havering but I decided to get the hell out of there. I apologised to Anna. Maybe next time I said. She throw a look of daggers at The Creep as I left. She knew he had said something horrible to me.