The dolls keep perfectly still, but Sophia can’t stop herself from fidgeting. And then she hears a creaking sound, and thinks she sees the doors moving, as if they are being pushed from the outside. Her eyes widen. The door handles start to move. She flinches and gasps. A gap starts to appear between both doors. Sophia pulls the blanket over her, and tenses up. Her mouth is agape.
The heavy doors are shaking, as if something, at the other side, is trying to force them open. Sophia is now petrified at the thought of what could be out there. She gets a brief glimpse of a face through a narrow gap that has opened up between the doors. And then the face is gone. It looked, to her, like the face of a girl.
She gets up from the couch and brings the lamp with her. Pushing the dresser to the side, she slowly opens a door and then, bravely, puts her head through to have a look. There is no-one there.
She walks through the doorway and into an adjoining room. There is a dead crow on the floor in front of her. Looking across the room, she sees a set of thick curtains. Sophia goes over, stands in front of them, and then, in one motion, sweeps them wide apart. A creepy display of stuffed birds-of-prey on various stands and plinths is revealed. Some birds are hanging from wires. All of them have staring eyes. Their eyes seem to be looking at her menacingly. This gives Sophia the chills. And then she hears a man’s voice.
“I told you not to leave,” David says to her.
“What did you see?” he asks her.
“A little girl …”
“It’s a trap. The house weakens you with visions.” He begins to walk away.