100 Symbol

Sophia sees a red, rectangular, symbol on the cavern roof. “What is that?” she asks him.

“The Secret Door,” he informs her. “The way out of the house.”

“There’s a way out? How do you know about this Secret Door?”

“Someone told me. A man I met in the house before you.”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know,” he replies. “We spent months together and then, one day, he was gone ” he says to her, softly, in a resigned tone.

Sophia shivers. She wraps her arms around her bare shoulders, “I’m cold,” she says. David grabs a blanket and throws it to her. “Thanks,” she says, gratefully. He passes her a lump of, what appears to be, a cross between charcoal and burnt bread. A dark substance.

“Eat,” he says. She looks at what he has given her, warily.

“What is it?”

“Get used to it. It’s all there is here.”

“Aren’t you eating?”

He gently shakes his head. “No. I’m less and less hungry. Eat,” he says, softly. She crunches at the offering.