121 Cathedral

“It’s not a coincidence,” David says.


“That we met. You knew about the Door. I do too. And I feel that, to get out, we have to stay together. We’re linked together. Do you understand?” He looks at her, earnestly. She nods her head. She understands. They both head for the Chapel.

They enter a cathedral. A man stands at the centre, surrounded by candles, his motion suspended.

“Who is it?” she asks.

“I don’t know his name.”

They move in close to the man who is still. They gather water from a dish lying next to him, and some bread.

“It’s too late for him now,” David says. They both eat some of the black substance.

“He’s not eating. He’s becoming them. He’s accepted the house,” he says.

“Is he dangerous?” she asks.

“Not yet. He’s changing. He can’t here or see you. But he can sense you.”

She replenishes their water carriers. “Quietly,” he says. There’s a rumble from the distance. “They’re coming!” he shouts. They both run.