131 Zombie

They both head for the Chapel.

They hear someone upstairs, clumping about. David stops, and puts his fingers to his lips, to indicate be quiet and then he hands Sophia his back-pack so that he can bring his dagger into play with full control.

David moves at lightning-speed and pins a zombie-like man against the wall. He places his dagger to its throat. The zombie puts up little resistance.

“Don’t make a noise, ok?” David instructs the zombie-man. He holds his dagger to the zombie’s throat, and presses the creature up against the wall, while Sophia provides her friend with impressive back-up by brandishing a threatening poker at the zombie. “I’ll let go, if you don’t make noise. Do you understand?” He talks at the zombie in simple language. The creature doesn’t understand much in general but a knife at its throat seems to be getting the message across and the zombie even appears to be quite shocked.

“Are there others like you up there?” David emphasises his point by partially throttling the zombie. Sophia shows who is in charge around here by giving the zombie-man a stern look. The zombie, clearly, has never seen a woman before, or at least, not for a very long time perhaps.

“Look at me, not at her.” David is losing patience. “Are there? Near the Chapel?” David asks, forcibly, pushing his dagger into the neck of the zombie. The creature’s eyes are wide and it manages to rapidly shake its head in a "no" gesture. The zombie seems to sense that David is the boss and his question is a valid one. “How long have you been in the house?” David continues to interrogate the stunned creature that now looks a bit like a terrified vagrant. The zombie puts up both its hands as if to indicate ten years maybe. “Do you want to get out?” David maintains relentless pressure on the creature. “Tell me where the Chapel is. Do you hear me? Where’s the Chapel? He forces the dagger to its neck, making it squirm. The zombie flicks its eyes, and head, towards a door.

David has extracted the information and he needs to act quickly on it. He glances at Sophia, and at the zombie, and she nods her head to say that she can handle the creature on her own while he checks out the route to the Chapel. David starts to walk off down a corridor, while looking back to check she can contain her prisoner.

Sophia stands firm, and points the poker at the zombie to keep it in line. However, now that some of pressure has been taken off of the creature, the zombie relaxes a bit. The zombie-man starts to take a shine to Sophia. It puts on a strange grin, flashes its black eyes, and begins to lurch forward to caress her. Sophia maintains her no-nonsense stare. The zombie makes a clumsy move to kiss her. Sophia drives her poker straight through the zombie’s chest, with conviction. The zombie collapses on the floor, spilling blood. David, hears all this, and comes running back.

“Blood,” he says. “They’ll smell it. They’re going to smell it!” They both make a run for it.