26 News Flash

The year is 1994.

These strident presenters have just been told about the Internet.

“What is internet?” he says. “Do you write to it?”

“A lot of people use it to communicate with NBC,” she says.

They have no idea what they are talking about, but their voices are still very loud.

“Can you explain what internet is?” the lady on the left says.

A voice from the background says, “It is computers joined together.”

The presenters look perplexed and just laugh nervously.

26 News Flash

The year is 1994.

These strident presenters have just been told about the Internet.

“What is internet?” he says. “Do you write to it?”

“A lot of people use it to communicate with NBC,” she says.

They have no idea what they are talking about, but their voices are still very loud.

“Can you explain what internet is?” the lady on the left says.

A voice from the background says, “It is computers joined together.”

The presenters look perplexed and just laugh nervously.