1 Be Patient

The time period for this story is the early 1970s. The location is England.

A nurse, in full uniform, loads up a big syringe with a cloudy liquid. She carefully extracts the fluid from a small bottle, then ejects some, to eliminate air-gaps. She places the syringe on top of a metal trolley, which has two small opaque bottles sitting on its top tray.

She walks, with purpose, along a long hospital corridor, passing the many doors, and various treatment rooms. The floor is highly polished and, at regular intervals, there are chunky white radiators, and red fire-extinguishers, attached to the walls, running along either side. Above her head, harsh white strip-lighting shines down, providing bright and clinical illumination.

She glances through some open-doors. In one room, there is a youngish man, with shoulder-length dark hair, sitting on the edge of a bed, in his pyjamas. He is rolling down his sleeve, after having just received an injection from, presumably, a male doctor who is standing over him and looking stern. The injected patient’s expression is forlorn.

As the nurse continues down the corridor, she comes to a huge fire-hose reel, bolted onto the wall. She slows down here and turns her trolley into a side-corridor where the overhead-lighting is much dimmer. Halting next to a shiny door - marked with a number 12 - she peers through the small spy-hole, set at eye-level. Her spy-hole view shows a hospital-bed, illuminated by clean white light, in an otherwise bare room. There is a grey blanket on the bed, completely covering the person lying underneath it. The figure, under the blanket, is keeping very still.

The nurse closes over the spy-hole-slot, takes a key from her belt, unlocks the door, and eases open a gap, in preparation to enter. She then pushes her trolley into the room and places it next to the bed. Inside, the room resembles a prison cell, more than it does a bedroom.

She closes the door and walks over to a small, high up, window to the right-hand side of the bed and adjusts the short curtain, revealing bars on the outside. She has left the syringe, momentarily unattended, on the trolley. While her back is turned, a hand quickly grabs the syringe. The nurse gets, forcibly, injected in her arm. A struggle ensues. The nurse falls to the ground.

A minute later, out in a corridor, a security-man is being approached by someone. He turns his head and is shocked by what he sees. He succumbs to a blow which knocks him, violently, to the floor. In the distance, a hospital-orderly has been hearing a commotion and is heading towards Room 12. When he gets there, he is stunned, by what lies before him, when he enters the room.