23 Service with a smile

Sarah has gotten out of the car and is walking around looking for Simon. She spots him across the forecourt, peering through the window-crack. Simon snaps his head around and smiles. He walks towards Sarah, with his hands in his pockets.

"I can’t seem to find anyone." He shakes his head for emphasis.

A door opens behind him, and the lady, he had been watching, walks out onto the forecourt.

"Oh, eh, are you open?" he asks her, in his best, posh voice.

"I’m always open love," she replies, in a friendly manner. Her accent is working-class. "What’d you want, petrol?"

"Yes, yes, five, please," he says, with his jaw hanging open.

She heads over to the pumps. He follows her. They immediately start flirting, as they walk across the court. Meanwhile, Sarah is heading over to the door marked Toilets, the one the busty woman has just come out of. Sarah walks in, and closes the door behind her.

The girl is now filling the Austin with petrol. She stands, holding the pump, with her legs spread wide, crouching, in a sexually-provocative manner. Simon looks on, approvingly.

"Cor, ain’t it cold, eh?" She gives him a wide smile.

"I’m not surprised," he says, "you haven’t got your buttons done up, have you?" He speaks as if he is pretending to tell her off. Sarah appears again, walking around the corner of the building in the distance. She sees them at the pump, laughing and joking, and her face is stony.