"I can’t catch it in this." Simon looks incredulous.
"Well, you can try" Her voice has become more demanding.
The barriers rise up. They head off, at breakneck speed.
Given his instructions to "catch the train" Simon drives like a maniac. And he has a slightly crazy look on his face too; almost as if he is enjoying the danger and recklessness. The tyres of the Austin 1800 screech and howl as he stretches the performance of the saloon-car to its limits.
Hammering down a narrow country-lane he whizzes past a white Rover P6, parked behind some bushes. The powerful police-car takes chase and pursues the blue car. Simon’s driving becomes faster, and riskier. He sweeps around bends, barely holding the car on the road. The police-car activates its siren, and flashing blue lights. Simon spots the chasing-car in his rear-view mirror.
"Oh, no!" he exclaims. Sarah looks back, out of the rear window, and clocks the cop-car. "You and your bloody train," he says to her, with annoyance.