They come to a carriageway, where road-works, and traffic-lights, are in operation. Simon, jumps the lights, then almost has a head-on collision with a lorry, but just manages to swerve by it; however, he almost runs over a roadside-worker in the process. The cop-car, following them, arrives too late to get by the lorry that Simon narrowly avoiding hitting, with his risky driving. The long vehicle is blocking the single-lane flow of traffic.
Having broken free of his ‘tail’, Simon speeds along for another half-mile, or so, before performing an ‘emergency’ stop. Blue smoke rises from the tarmac, and there is a deafening screeching-sound coming from the tyres on the tarmac. He crunches the car into reverse, and accelerates backwards. Turning, sharply, into a muddy track, he experiences difficulty steering the car, and keeping it gripped to the slippery surface. At times, the wheels spin without any forward-movement being made. Finally, he stops under an old stone railway-arch, in an effort to keep out of sight.
His ploy works. The chasing police-car races by, on the main road. It appears they may have escaped the cops completely.
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